Who We Are
MAC Inc. is one of the five oldest Area Agencies on Aging in the United States. Founded in 1972 as a pilot project, and formally established by the Older Americans Act in 1973, MAC, as a AAA, is charged with helping older adults live with independence and dignity in their homes and communities.
Core services offered under the Older Americans Act include: Elder Rights, Caregivers, Nutrition, Health & Wellness, and Supportive Services.
MAC offers an abundance of services to help more active seniors live their lives to the fullest, such as helping retirees find meaningful volunteer opportunities through the RSVP program; helping seniors to improve their physical fitness and to take charge of their health through various wellness programs and classes; and a network of senior centers, where participants can enjoy recreational activities, fitness and educational programs, and the company of other seniors.
Other programs address the needs of the frail and vulnerable elderly, helping them remain independent and living in their own homes for as long possible. Meals on Wheels delivers a nutritious meal, a safety check and a human connection to break isolation for frail, home-bound seniors, who are not able to get food and prepare their own meals due to illness or disability. The Ombudsman program safeguards seniors living in long-term care facilities from abuse and neglect.
Other services provide critical information and support, including health insurance counseling, help for caregivers, and case management of supportive services.
In addition, Maryland Access Point (MAP) is a one-stop source of information and assistance for family members, caregivers, disabled adults, and seniors, which helps them navigate through the maze of long-term care services and links them with local and state programs.
It is estimated that by 2030, one in five Americans will be age 65 or older, and a growing senior population will increase the demand for home- and community-based services, like those offered by MAC. Because these services are available at a fraction of the cost of skilled care facilities, it will save seniors’ money and government dollars, and helping the elderly to age in place.