Cancer Support Services

Cancer Support Services

Cancer Survivor programs can help cancer survivors thrive and survive.  The program serves survivors and their loved ones, and is free of charge.  The goal is to support people living with cancer and its effects, to provide tools and resources that address challenges, and to help people take action in their recovery.

Ongoing offerings focus on nutrition and physical activity to help people improve their quality of life and reduce their risk of recurrence.  In addition, experienced staff can guide people to the programs and community resources that are appropriate to their needs.


  • Past or current cancer diagnosis

Programs & Offerings Available

Garden & Vegetables

The Healing Rose Garden is a community garden with a mission to engage survivors in growing and eating cancer-fighting organic vegetables. Survivors take on tasks, if able, to nurture the garden and harvest vegetables.  The garden manager provides education on growing, harvesting, food preparation and food safety.

Gardening is therapeutic. It encourages healthy eating and physical activity. The garden creates a community of people and is a peaceful sanctuary that embodies hope and health.

As funding permits, vegetables are available to survivors year-round.  Days and times are established depending on time of year.  During the spring and summer, vegetables and herbs are grown in the Healing Rose Garden, and harvested by garden members.

Classes & Workshops

Cooking workshops are held once or twice monthly and encourage cancer survivors to eat cancer-fighting fruits and vegetables and to cook at home.  The workshops are a combination of nutrition information, cooking demonstration, food safety tips and tasting of healthy recipes.  A registered dietitian is present or is a guest speaker at most presentations.

The class is a therapeutic style of Tai Chi that has been proven to improve strength, balance and physical functioning and prevent falls. A 24-week session is offered, meeting once weekly.  The class is free to cancer survivors. Call for session dates.

This highly interactive and supportive workshop meets weekly for 6 weeks. Developed at Stanford University, it is proven to help people thrive by teaching them the skills that help them address challenges. Topics include: healthy eating, dealing with difficult emotions, regaining fitness, making decisions, changes to your body, and working with healthcare providers.

Other Resources

The Richard A. Henson Wellness Center is located at MAC. Inc. Memberships are available for a monthly fee.  Memberships include:

  • Individualized instruction and exercise plan set-up
  • Use of the anti-gravity treadmill for rehabilitation and painful joints
  • Group exercise classes

Learn more about our Wellness Center (Needs Link)

Trained staff work one-on-one with people to address mild depression.  The program is a protocol of problem-solving and activity planning to improve mood and decrease depression.

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Program Contact

Robin Ritchie
410-742-0505 x170
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